A turkey is not a big chicken

Turkeys are a unique kind of poultry. They originate from the United States where they are native birds but have been domesticated and many variations are used now for different purposes. In turkey production, some specific facts about physiology and behaviour are important and will ask for adapted farming and veterinary products compared to, for instance, chickens.

Dopharma has seen the need for those products in turkeys and has invested already many years ago to obtain licences to allow the veterinarians and farmers to treat these animals in a responsible way. As a result, we can offer you products with indications, dosage and withdrawal period authorized for turkey.

With this website, we aim to provide you with a hub where you can find miscellaneous information about turkey health care and get in touch with turkey experts from different countries to share knowledge.

Year of the turkey – we are extending!

Dopharma has chosen 2021 as Year of the Turkey. We did our best with focusing on turkey, as an animal in the spotlight.

We started the project by launching the website https://www.dopharmaforturkeys.com. During the year 2021, we aimed to organize several meetings to share knowledge and give you the opportunity to meet other experts in the field of turkey health care.

Due to the pandemic and the limited possibilities we had this year, we were not able to make the most out of this project and based on the success of the first turkey symposium we have concluded that not only 2021 should be the year of the turkey. From 2021 onward we will continue to promote the coming years as being the years of the turkey!

We believe the topic deserves attention which is not limited by time and therefore we invite you to participate in our actions related to the project already in the New Year.

For more information, please contact us