2021: Year of the turkey
Dopharma has chosen 2021 as Year of the Turkey. In this year we will focus on turkey, as an animal which is not always in the spot light. Turkeys are important as food producing animals but they are also very special. One of our slogans is that turkeys are not big chickens and this certainly is true due to very specific requirements in farming conditions and health care. In some regions like the United States and the United Kingdom, turkeys are a certain symbol and the consumption of turkey meat a national habit especially during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Turkey meat is a low fat and healthy source of animal protein and appreciated by many people, throughout the whole year!
Dopharma has identified already years ago the importance of turkeys as food producing animals and has invested to obtain claims for these animals for their animal health products. Therefore, after several years we are one of the animal health companies with the largest portfolio for turkeys. In the past turkeys were often treated “off label” with products that had a claim for chicken due to the lack of products with an official turkey claim. This was of course a risk, looking at the safety and efficacy of those treatments. Now veterinarians and farmers can treat their animals with the safe and effective animal health products from Dopharma.
We will continue to work on this focus and reach out to our turkey customers.
And…also the years after 2021 will be turkey-years for us!!